During August the Steering Group and Pilot Establishment Team leads hosted a series of webinars to share information about the Regional Council elections and Rotary Community groups.
I know of many Rotarians from District 9810 attended one of these.
If you missed out, you can still watch one by following this link. The powerpoint presentation is also available here.
For further updates on Regionalisation, take the Read More link.
A reminder of the Regionalisation Website, Creating Tomorrow here.

Governance across the zone will be overseen by a Regional Council elected by clubs. The Regional Council will be led by a Chair who will be supported by a Chair-Elect, with each serving two-year terms.

Applications for the regional Council roles will close on September 19.

Rotary Community Groups:

From 1 July 2024 the proposed regional model includes a new way of grouping clubs, with each group of clubs referred to as a ‘Rotary Community Group’.  By working together, clubs can support each other to increase their impact, amplify Rotary’s public image, and strengthen member engagement. 

The RCGs are designed to foster greater collaboration among clubs so they can work more effectively and at a larger scale than they could on their own. Clubs will be able to nominate both a primary and secondary way they prefer to be grouped. Secondary groupings are optional and will mainly be online. For example, a club might want a primary geographic group and also want to join a network of other clubs that are passionate about a particular cause.

The timeline for forming Rotary Community Groups is:

  • In the coming week or so (September), Rotary and Rotaract clubs will be provided a survey to indicate how they would like to be grouped together for future collaboration on activities and projects.

  • District leaders and the Regionalisation team will review the survey results together and work on the groupings, in liaison with the clubs where needed.

  • The new Community Groups are expected to be advised to clubs by November.

  • RCGs will then meet to determine how they will collaborate together and how the RCL role will work for their group.