The International – Foundation Professional Development Seminar was held at the Melbourne Baseball Club, Surrey Road Box Hill on Monday 18 September, 2023. The seminar focused on ‘Sustainability’ to ensure that the benefits of District and Global Grants projects are achieved long after the Rotary funding has ended. Sustainability addresses 6 inter-linked issues:
- Start with the community
- Encourage local ownership
- Provide training
- Buy local
- Find local funding
- Measure your success
Take link to read more and get links to downloads.
The 6 step process to empower people starting with the community needs analysis is about getting away from the charity model, where Rotarians tend to ‘give things away’, and getting into the ‘opportunity model’, where our projects empower the community to carve their own paths over the longer term.
The ‘hands-on’ approach engaged all 36 Rotarians attending (shown below) to discuss the 6 sustainability steps, sharing anecdotes and success stories. Seminar notes can be downloaded from the Foundation page on the D9810 Website under ‘Latest News’, here.
Or, via these links:
International - Foundation Professional Development Seminar Slide Pack 18 Sep 2023 - DOWNLOAD
Sustainability Notes ~18 September 23 - DOWNLOAD
This Seminar followed the 2022 International-Foundation Professional Development Seminar – ‘Building Blocks for Impact’ which applied LogFrame analysis to identify the ‘input’ (resources you invest), ‘output’ (the immediate results), ‘outcome (the short-term or intermediate results of a project) and impact’ (the positive, long-term changes resulting from our actions) to ensure all elements of project design are included.
The District’s objective is to impart ideas to Clubs to build higher impact District and Global Grant Projects. Organisers included David Alexander (Foundation Chair); Tony Stokes (District International Service Chair) and Graham Richardson (2022-23 District Grants Review).