Learning & Development Coordinator: PDG Tony Monley OAM
D9810 Learning & Development Chair.
Responsible for the design and delivery of the District’s core L&D programs, primarily President Elect training and District Assembly.
Responsible for the design and delivery of the District’s core L&D programs, primarily President Elect training and District Assembly.
1.L&D Planning & Development
Overall planning, development, coordination and delivery of training programs in District 9810 is undertaken by the District Learning and Development Coordinator, Tony Monley.
The Learning & Development Team/Advisors include:
Tony Monley (Chair 2020-21) - Manningham
Tony Monley (Chair 2020-21) - Manningham
Kylie Knight-Brown (Croydon and Montrose)
Bronwen Lamond (Rotary Leadership Institute) Oakleigh Clayton Huntingdale
2.Key Officer Training & Events
President-Elect Training Seminar (PETS)
- Pre-PETS Seminar and AG Briefing - 21 November 2020
- District Team Briefing – 16 February
- Multi-District PETS - 19 February 2021
- District Training Assembly - 23 May to 30 May 2021
3.District Assembly District 9810
2023 District Assembly will be held between 7th May to 14th May 2023, assembly will be held online.
Developing the skills of the leadership team can improve a club’s performance.
Attending the District 9810 Assembly is an important part of the preparation to become a leader in Rotary for the coming year of service. Learning and Development activities ensure all officers understand their role and responsibilities and can work towards to the overall wellbeing of the club.
Each Rotarian is responsible for maintaining their Rotary leader knowledge and the skills required to lead the club with passion and confidence.
Keep watch for the promotion of the 2022 District Assembly. Be sure to register early and encourage other club members to do the same.
4.District Seminars For Clubs
Dates for 2020-21
Seminar Event
Saturday 15 August
Membership & Public Image
Ken Miller & Malcolm Chiverton
Thursday 27 August
Vocational Service
Bill Haywood
Tuesday 22 September
International Service
Tony Stokes
Monday 5 October
Community Service
Trish Smyth
Thursday 19 November
David Alexander
Monday 15 February
Malcolm Chiverton
Friday 14 May
David Alexander/ Tony Stokes
5.Developing Rotary Knowledge – Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI)
This course provides quality education in Rotary knowledge and leadership skills to those Rotarians aspiring to future club leadership (not necessarily as club presidents).
For further information click here
Contact: Bronwen Lamond (Oakleigh Clayton Huntingdale) for latest course dates
6.Rotary International Learning Centre
Rotary International provides on line learning and development opportunities through its on line learning centre. To access the learning centre sign in (or register) on the RI site (rotary.org), hover over Learning and Reference and click on Learning Centre on the right hand side. In the Learning Centre there are courses related all the main roles in Rotary clubs and for District officers. It is a treasure trove of information and ideas. All Rotarians are strongly encouraged to explore here.
RLI – Rotary Leadership Institute
Contact person: Bronwen Lamond - Oakleigh Clayton Huntingdale
What is RLI
Who Should Register
Course Content
To Find Out More
What is RLI
Want to learn about and understand the breadth of Rotary and how it fits together; the pieces in the jigsaw puzzle?
RLI provides participants with a two-part series of content rich, well-paced modules to enhance understanding of the full range of Rotary programs offered across District 9810.
RLI is a Rotary program designed to provide the “story of Rotary” through sharing of knowledge.
The courses will be run on two Sundays, with two modules being covered on each day
Participants contribute through facilitated workshops and syndicate sessions.
Members from our District who have completed the course found that the content is valuable, relevant and well worth the time invested.
Who should register?
All Rotarians with a minimum of twelve month’s Rotary experience. This program is an excellent training opportunity and grounding for:
- Incoming Club Presidents
- Members who will serve as President in 2021/22 (with Daryl Moran), or 2022/23 (with Ken Miller)
- Members who will take a lead position in their club in the 2021/2022 Rotary year
- Members who want to know more about the work of Rotary International, in our district and across the world.
Course Content
- The Rotary Foundation
- Each of the Avenues of Service: Club, Vocational, International, Community and Youth
- Membership – gaining, training and retaining
- Marketing – your programs, your club
- Service Projects
- Rotary service – beyond our district
To find out more
Check this link to FAQs about the course. If your question isn’t answered here, please contact Course Coordinator Bronwen Lamond.
When we are able to offer more RLI courses they will be advertised in the District Newsletter. If you would like to register your interest, please contact Bronwen.
Contact person: Bronwen Lamond - Oakleigh Clayton Huntingdale