Posted by Wilma Best on Aug 12, 2023
Establishing a Rotary Borehole Project in Meru County, Kenya East Africa
The Borehole will be Powered by Solar Energy and located at Kithima, Maili Saba. This site is equatorial but considered semi-arid.  However but the area is known for the availability of aquifers.  In Meru County, the Rotary Club of Meru recently oversaw the construction of a borehole in the vicinity (Pictured).
Working International partners in this project are the Rotary Club of Bayswater and The Rotary Club of Healesville D9810 cooperating with the Host country The Rotary Club of Meru, Kenya D9212.
The borehole project objective  is to provide food security for both people and livestock and by providing a sustainable source of water the project will ensure that 250 needy  school children and the existing farm animals have reliable food, better hygiene and a cleaner environment. 
By providing water to grow animal feed the borehole will prevent crop failure and the dreaded stock loss and reliable water will nurture vegetables and fruit trees to feed children healthy fresh food, reducing hunger and improving health and education outcomes
The construction of the borehole requires funding for materials and labour plus water testing. The water testing is first, checking for water quality, availability and the depth of the water.  This requires test drilling to establish the depth and testing.
Could you join the Rotary Clubs of Bayswater and Healesville to help fund the establishment of this International project?
Contacts are PP Barrie Vickers, Bayswater and PP Wilma Best Healesville.
Phone Barrie Mobile: 0407 544555      Phone Wilma Mobile: 0476 289583
The account details for lodging donations are:
Rotary Club of Bayswater
Kenya Borehole account
BSB: 633 000
Account No.  206 669873
A little more news.....
Information about Rotarian Dickson Mugendi of the Rotary Club of Meru.  He was at the Melbourne Convention. I know him from visiting Kenya and their club several times.
We hosted Dickson after the convention and I tried to get speaking opportunities.  It was difficult mainly due to the convention.
However Dickson launched the Borehole project at a cluster group Barrie Vickers was able to arrange and Dickson spoke at Healesville of course.
Dickson launched the Borehole Project in Kenya and lead with the following caption:
Our Rotary Story: Australians and Kenyans Take Action to Create Hope…
There were 30 members present from the cluster Barrie Vickers belongs and later at Healesville around 14.   Dickson made a great impression; he spoke from a personal perspective and was very impressed with the hospitality of Australia and especially the Rotary members. He told a good story anf linked it all to supporting the culture of Kenya.
There is a real need for the project for borehole water to grow food for children and livestock and also to provide water for domestic purposes.
 Dickson Mugendi came with a list of achievements in the Rotary Club of Meru is Project coordinator and he holds senior posts in D9212.  His classification is Advocate Lawyer, and those of us who were able to share with him appreciated the opportunity for international understanding and goodwill.