Posted by Ian Ballantine on Mar 14, 2024
It's been a busy time with the Regionalisation Pilot.
Community Groups
Establishment Meetings were held over the weekend of March 2 and 3.
We held 7 meetings in total, one for each Community Group in the new District of 9815. It was a most productive process. Feedback from the meetings was passed back to the Pilot leadership group.
The next step is the appointment of Community Group Leaders. As I write this we are preparing the email which will go out to all members seeking expressions of interest in the role.
It is expected that the closing date for lodgement will be March 27. Remember, under the new structure, Community Leaders will be a member of a Club from that Community Group.
For more info about Community Leader role, click here.
Specialist Roles
I would like to remind members of another great opportunity to serve Rotary. Offer yourself as a Rotary Specialist. I know I am repeating myself but I think it's worth reminding members of this great opportunity. Under the Pilot, there will be fewer opportunities to serve at a traditional District level.
Under the Pilot, a database will be established of Rotarians who will contribute their expertise in specific areas to assist Clubs. Specifically.....

The Rotary Specialist role is a new way you can use your skills to help clubs reach their goals and make a difference.
Each Rotary Specialist will be an expert in a particular field who will provide guidance to clubs across the Zone, either in person or virtually, in their specific area of expertise.
When clubs ask for help, Specialists will support them by providing expert advice, and directing them to useful resources and other experts as required.
Clubs will be able to easily find and request assistance from Specialists through a searchable database.
There may be numerous specialists in the same subject area to cover the geography of Zone 8.

If you have the required skills and knowledge to provide expert advice to clubs in your area of expertise, you can be a Rotary Specialist! You may be:

  • Someone who has been in Rotary anywhere from a few months to a few decades

  • Someone who has held multiple leadership positions in Rotary, or none at all

  • Someone who has relevant formal qualifications such as a diploma or university degree, or has simply gained expertise through practical experience – either within or outside Rotary

If you’re an expert in a field relevant to clubs, great with people and passionate about Rotary, you should consider applying here.

A copy of the recent webinar which explained these roles can be viewed here.

The other role that is available is that of Regional Council Portfolio Committee Member.

Keep up to date with all things related to Regionalisation here.