To the south and east of Melbourne from the bay to the hills


Rotary District 9810 forms part of the Melbourne conurbation located in the southeast sector of the city. It spans from Port Phillip Bay on its western border, stretching some 60 kilometres north eastwards to the inland Yarra ranges at its eastern border.

There are 51 Rotary clubs in our District ranging in size from small clubs of 15 members  in country communities, to metropolitan clubs with over 60 members.

Rotary is a worldwide organisation of business and professional people that provides humanitarian service, encourages high ethical standards in all vocations and helps build goodwill and peace in the world. Approximately 1.2 million Rotarians belong to more than 32000 Rotary Clubs located in over 200 countries.

Clubs may differ from each other in demographic terms, meeting times and venues, but all have the same aims of making the world a better place, locally and internationally, while at the same time strengthening established friendships and creating new ones.

Visitors to this site will find information on a wide range of programs and activities that our Rotary District has to offer. If you are interested in finding out more about belonging to this great service organisation or you may have previously been a Rotarian and have now transferred to our part of the world, or you have a specific enquiry about one of our programs, please contact us by phone 1300 4 ROTARY or see the club details in the LHS menu bar.

We would be delighted to hear from you.